Boiled Noodles Medan

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
If there's time to goint to Medan, do not forget to enjoy the culinary tour. Ethnic mix that is in Medan to make food more colorful. Ethnic Indians, Arabs, Malays, Chinese, Padang, Java, and Batak has created a new flavour.

One of the foods that I miss is the boiled noodles. If in Medan, which means boiled noodles noodles called Tamil style.Why is it called noodle rivet? Because the source of the recipe from Tamil (Indian descent). However, the current sellers of boiled noodles are not limited to the rivet.

What is unique this Tamil noodles? Gravy or sauce made ​​from ground shrimp. The colour resembles the colour of soy sauce is thick. Because corn meal mixed with flour. It was tasty, slightly sweet, salty, spicy. Imagine the pleasures?

How to cook: wet noodles and bean sprouts dipped in boiling water. Once cooked, noodles and bean sprouts were poured onto the plate. Then doused with sauce, plus half a boiled egg. Do not forget the fried onions and slices of leaf soup (celery) sprinkled on top. Ehmmm ...

It was very typical. Spices are a way to make a wide swing tongue. Especially when coupled with minced chillies that are still green. Yummy..

In Kampung Keling that sells Indian. Here he sold along with other traders, and do not wear the nameplate, so I do not recognising the name. Anyway, the position we find the first stall on the left.

The price of boiled noodles was very friendly. Maybe now worth around a plate of fried rice in Jakarta or about 6 thousand rupiahs.




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