Veggie Noodle Recipes

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Noodle Vegie or Vegetarian Noodle or is perfect for those who Vegetarian of course, I quoted from DetikFood bonded recipe from Veggie Noodles. Jakarta – Without animal protein was fixed to make this delicious noodle dish. Know the soft savoury mushrooms plus make it taste delicious, fresh and tasty. Moreover, added a spicy chilli sauce bite!

500 g wet egg noodles
100 g cabbage leaves, cut into pieces, boiled
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, minced
2 spring onions, chopped
200 g tofu, cut into small
5 pieces hioko mushrooms, cut into small
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
½ tsp pepper powder
1 teaspoon salt
Fried shallots
Chicken broth

* Rinse the noodles with hot water to dissolve the oil. Drain.
* Topping: Sauté garlic and onion until wilted.
* Enter the tofu and mushrooms, stirring until wilted.
* Add seasoning and water, and cook until the flavour is absorbed and the water runs out. Lift.
* Place the noodles in a bowl, give Topping ingredients and mustard.
* Serve with a complement.
For 4 people


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