Legendary Bread of Pematang Siantar - North Sumatra

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Pematang Siantar - If you happen to stop by to taste Pematang Siantar incomplete if it does not drop into this legendary bakery. This made ​​homemade bread and fresh from the oven. Can be filled chocolate messes or sugar apple butter with dense and creamy texture when bitten. Yum yum ...

Pematang Siantar is the second largest city in North Sumatra, the city was bustling as always skipped by those who want to visit Lake Toba. Pematang Siantar located approximately 128 km from Medan and that was one of the bustle of the city center is Jl. Sutomo. In this way also lies a legendary bakery that every day is always packed with shoppers.

Bakery which had stood four decades was known as Double Roti. This store is just like an ordinary bakery aisle in the middle of the second dihimpit fruit glass window on the right and left. But, do not try to find a variety of sweet bread with a variety of content, because it is sold and a mainstay of this shop is the bread she offered.

Because it is already apparent from the front rows of white bread that looks fat. White bread is placed in a glass case so that it looks tempting visitors. Some of the waiters who was behind the window is busy serving customers who continue to flow as endlessly. Well I am a witness became more curious.

There are only two sizes of bread is white bread offered small and large. To empty the contents can choose the bread (without content), brown messes, and sugar apple butter. Since the atmosphere is very crowded visitors must be firm when ordered by mentioning the size of the bread and fill as desired. If over time to think and choose, well ... usually can not ignore the waiter and even snatched and crushed other buyers who crammed in the store.

Actually, sugar apple butter spread was too tempting. The dough was thin brown sugar apple smell fragrant coconut milk and sugar. And that's generous enough to be applied to parts of the bread. Too bad I'm wanted to eat messes. So this time I miss the typical sugar apple butter famous Siantar delicious.

A wash of whipped cream that does not make it not taste too sweet eneg especially when sprinkled with a sweet chocolate messes. When a piece of bread and disuapkan torn by hand into the mouth yum yum ... no wonder that addictive! This bread is a perfect treat friends drinking tea or coffee in the afternoon and alsomake gift . Therefore, at the airport a lot of people carrying this bread doubles as souvenirs.

For this small bread dihargari Rp.6000, 00 and 12,000, 00 to a size large. Also at this bakery also sells a layer cake, tarts, sponge cake, and various typical traditional snacks such as rice flour cake bowl, layer cake, bika ambon, banana cake on offer ranging from Rp.1500, 00 - Rp.3000, 00.



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