Spicy Buffalo-Acid Bebalung Typical Lombok

Monday, May 2, 2011
CITY Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, in addition to chicken Taliwang known, also has a special food in the form bebalung pelecing. Food is served in a joint so that it has its own flavor.Bebalung cuisine made ​​from cow or buffalo rib which is mixed with special seasoning blend, so it feels different with Bebalung in general.

Seasoning blends that make it more delicious dishes, including chili pepper, garlic, shallot, galangal, turmeric and ginger added for flavor spicy cabenya has its own characteristics. Do not forget, add a little salt and acid for this dish is more durable.

This kind of dough ingredients by Sasak tribal community called yeast chopper. How to make even very simple where Bebalung made ​​from the ribs and bones of cows or buffaloes slaughtered according to taste.

Once cleaned and boiled until cooked and the meat is tender, then mixed with seasoning blend that has been mashed and sauteed. Seasoning blends and raw materials that have been mature Bebalung is boiled again for about 30 minutes until the marinade soak into the meat.

Make food more delicious when eaten along with pelecing kale. No wonder when people call it Bebalung pelecing Mataram. Prices affordable menu in which one portion bebalung pelecing offered approximately Rp30 thousand.

Apparently, Bebalung pelecing not just interested local residents. There are also many domestic and foreign tourists who hooked after trying this one menu.


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